Melasma is tiny coffee-colored spots on the face, body, and hands that are related to sunlight and are a genetic disorder that has no definite cure. But that doesn’t mean that people with melasma should just sit back and surrender to their condition. Many diseases are hereditary and gene-related but can be controlled with knowledge and modern technology.
Don’t fall for some of the high-cost methods or expenses in this regard; accept the reality that you have the potential to develop melasma, and in some cases, melasma may even create a unique beauty for some faces.
Layering and laser and non-laser peeling methods with chemical powders are very useful but temporary. Glycolic acid peels, retinoic acid, cryo-surgery, and cryotherapy are good and relatively inexpensive treatments.
Q-switched laser methods are relatively more expensive but can have quick results; for example, before a wedding ceremony and so on. Topical medications like Kligman’s formula or a combination of hydroquinone with tretinoin and vitamin C are very effective as long as a reputable pharmacy makes it with care!