If you’re dealing with cellulite, know that you’re not alone. Over 80% of women suffer from these fat deposits under their skin. While cellulite can’t be cured, don’t let others convince you that there’s no effective way to reduce and improve its appearance.
What is Cellulite?
Cellulite is the accumulation of excess fat, fluids, and toxins under the skin. The process of cellulite formation begins at puberty but is usually not identifiable in young women because the skin of this group of women still has elasticity.
Treatment Solutions for Cellulite
1- Endomology
This system works through massage and suction methods, addressing the spongy appearance and protrusions under the skin in individuals with cellulite. This method is the only treatment approved by the FDA. Endomology breaks the membrane of fat cells, and the fat cells will not fill up with fat again.
Cellulite also causes the connective tissue strands to contract and give the skin an appearance full of dimples and bumps. Endomology also improves the skin’s appearance. The treatment will last about fifteen sessions, and during the treatment period, more than 5/2 centimeters of fat tissue will be removed.
Note: Combining endomology with laser will yield better results. Laser waves melt the fat cells from the outside and are used before starting the massage. With this method, in each treatment session, you can reduce 700 grams of fat from each thigh within 15 sessions.
2- Radio Frequency RF
Unipolar RF penetrates relatively deeply (about 20 millimeters), affecting both the skin and the subcutaneous fat tissue, while bipolar RF penetrates less deeply into the skin (2 to 4 millimeters) and only affects the skin, stimulating collagen production and tightening and rejuvenating the skin. Both types of RF, unipolar and bipolar, have been used simultaneously in this device. It is believed that their combination will have a multiplied effect on collagen production and fat reduction.
3- Vitamin Therapy
The combination of L-carnitine and Coenzyme Q10 has had positive and extraordinary results. L-carnitine pulls fat out of fat cells and empties and opens them. Meanwhile, Coenzyme Q10 carries fat into muscles and other body cells, where they can burn fat and convert it into energy.
4- Algae
This is the main ingredient in the newest magical cellulite treatment pill. Certain therapeutic algae rich in iodine can activate the thyroid and thereby increase metabolism.
5- Caffeine
This is the main ingredient in cellulite treatment creams. Pay a visit to coffee shops. Buy some coffee beans and use them for cellulite treatment. Some models sit next to the bathtub every morning and rub coffee beans on their skin. This treatment will yield better results if done with warm coffee beans; therefore, heat the coffee beans in the microwave. Put the coffee beans in a plastic bag and then rub them on your skin with a loofah.