Everything About Fat Injection into Face and Body

What is Fat Injection into Face and Body?

Fat injection into the face and body, also known as Fat Transfer, Fat Injection, and Fat Grafting in English, is a method of transferring fat from areas with excess fat (such as thighs) to areas that may lack volume (such as the face, hands, breasts, or buttocks).

This unique method has long-lasting and tolerable effects, as well as natural results that quickly become apparent. Every year, thousands of people worldwide successfully undergo fat transfer and are satisfied with the results.

Who is a candidate for Fat Injection into Face and Body?

– If areas of your face have wrinkles or sagging, this cosmetic procedure is suitable for you.

– If you have used temporary fillers but want more permanent corrections on your body, this cosmetic procedure is suitable for you.

– If you want to improve your body shape, heal scars, correct sagging in various body areas, or have younger-looking hands and face, you should consider fat injection into the face and body.

– This cosmetic procedure can also be used for breast shaping, creating body lines, or concealing breast implant marks.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Fat Injection


– Since the fat is extracted from your own body, the risk of allergic reactions is minimal.

– Fat injection results are mainly long-lasting and safe.

– Fat transfer is a non-invasive method for facial rejuvenation.


– Compared to dermal fillers, the preparation time for extracted fat for injection is longer, as fillers are pre-prepared.

– The cost of fat injection is significantly higher than therapeutic fillers due to its long-term effects.

– Achieving desired results may require multiple sessions for fat injection into the breast or buttocks.

Are you a suitable candidate for fat injection?

The purpose of fat injection is to fill empty areas of the body, such as acne spots, scars, lips, facial wrinkles, breasts, and buttocks. Therefore, you should have areas on your body from which fat can be extracted. Also, ensure that there are no circulation issues in your system before opting for this cosmetic procedure. Additionally, discuss your medical conditions with your physician beforehand, and most importantly, avoid smoking!

Points to Consider for Fat Injection into the Face

If you have facial wrinkles, such as smile lines and nasolabial folds, fat can be extracted from your stomach or thighs and injected into your face. Acne scars and cheek indentations can also be repaired using this method.

A plastic surgeon can use fat grafting to fill lines between the nose and mouth, reduce depression and skin wrinkles on the face and forehead.

Points related to fat injection for breast augmentation

If you’re among those who want to increase their breast size, one of the best options is using fat injection, provided that your breasts have the right shape and good skin. So, if you have loose skin, or your breasts are very saggy, or you want a significant increase in breast size, beauty fat injection surgery may not be the right choice for you.

The main issue here is that you need to extract a large amount of fat from your body for this volume increase.

Breast Implant with Fat Injection

If there is still a need for minor improvements after breast implant surgery, fat injection into the breast can be used. Some people experience some asymmetries after breast implants, which can be resolved with fat injection.

Breast Reconstruction with Fat Injection

Some people, due to certain diseases like cancer, are forced to have their breasts removed, which can be quite unpleasant for them. (These procedures are called lumpectomy and mastectomy in medical terms.) Using fat injection surgery, it is possible to reconstruct emptied breasts. However, this procedure is usually a multi-stage process. This means that 2 to 4 injection sessions may be required.

Reshaping Buttocks (Kapul) with Fat Injection

Many people want to make their buttocks rounder and firmer, just like Brazilian models! Fat injection surgery is one of the successful procedures in this area that can bring high satisfaction to the recipient.

Hand Rejuvenation with Fat Injection

If your hand skin has sagging and many wrinkles, which is undoubtedly unpleasant for you, injecting fat into your hands can increase their volume, eliminate wrinkles, and give a more beautiful look to your body.

Stages of Fat Injection Surgery for Face and Body

In this beauty procedure, fat is taken from a part of the applicant’s body, washed, purified, and then carefully injected into the desired areas using special needles. It may be necessary to repeat this procedure several times to achieve the desired result.

In general, fat grafting surgery consists of three main stages:

1- Extraction

2- Purification and transfer

3- Placement

Stage 1: Extraction

The surgeon selects an area of your body for fat extraction and numbs it with your consultation. Then a small hole is created in that area for fat extraction. Through this and using a sterile tube connected to a syringe, the desired amount of fat is extracted.

Stage 2: Purification and Transfer

Once a sufficient amount of fat is extracted, your surgeon purifies these fats and transfers them to a syringe for injection. Some surgeons use centrifuge devices for purification and purification, and some have their own manual methods for this purpose.

Stage 3: Fat Placement

The area where fat is to be injected is prepared and marked beforehand. The surgeon adds a needle or cannula to the injection area. Then, the injection needle is moved inside and outside multiple times, and in each pass, regular amounts of this fat are injected into the skin layer. This process continues until the desired result is achieved. Some surgeons recommend massaging the desired area, while others are satisfied with uniform injection.

Postoperative care after fat injection

Be sure to ask your doctor what you need to do after fat injection surgery on your face and body to get back to your daily life faster. Ask your doctor these questions:

– When to remove extra items from your body (if necessary)

– Common side effects you may experience

– Potential signs of possible fat injection surgery complications

– How to care for areas where fat has been extracted

What will your body look like after fat injection surgery?

Swelling and bruising will be significant in the first week, so don’t expect to be out in public during the first week after surgery.

Bruising will subside in the second week, but you will still have swelling.

In most cases, between the seventh and tenth days, you will see significant improvement in appearance, but you may still not be able to appear in front of others.

In the third week, you will start to resemble yourself – with more beauty, of course. During this time, you can use cover-up makeup to conceal some bruising and discoloration.

After the third week, for a short period, these swellings will continue intermittently and locally until you gradually return to normal.

How long will the effects of fat injection last?

Note that fat injection surgery is relatively stable compared to other similar procedures, but this depends greatly on your surgeon’s skill in injecting fat into the desired area. So, for long-term results, be sure to have this procedure done by experienced and specialized surgeons.

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