Ways to create skin transparency

To create skin transparency, consider the following points:

1- Use cereal sprouts, especially wheat sprouts.

2- After showering, use moisturizing creams specifically for your skin type.

3- Be sure to use suitable sunscreen for your skin throughout the day and reapply every two hours.

4- Choose a suitable facial cleanser for your skin type. If you have oily skin, use specific soaps for oily skin, and if you have dry skin, minimize washing with water and cleansers, especially hot water. Use cream-based soaps in the shower and avoid scrubbing.

5- Use low-fat dairy products containing high amounts of vitamin A.

6- Use colorful fruits and vegetables, especially black grapes, blackberries, pomegranates, tomatoes, carrots, and strawberries, which are rich in antioxidants and help improve skin transparency.

7- Don’t forget to drink green tea. Green tea contains polyphenols and significantly helps with the freshness and transparency of your skin.

8- Drink enough water throughout the day. Drink a minimum of 7-8 glasses of water daily.

9- Use foods containing zinc such as soy, liver, corn, and beets.

10- Use fewer sweet foods, especially those containing artificial sugars like pastries and chocolates. High blood sugar reduces skin collagen, causes skin dullness, and leads to the appearance of wrinkles on the skin surface.

11- Cleanse your skin and pores with suitable cleansers before going to bed every night.

12- Avoid heavy makeup and thick creams on your face as much as possible. Use cosmetics from reputable brands approved by the Ministry of Health and consider their expiration date.

13- Use nuts, especially almonds. Almonds contain vitamin E and promote skin radiance.

14- Take advantage of exercise for skin transparency. Exercise improves oxygen supply to the skin, making your skin clear and fresh.

15- Avoid smoking. Smoking reduces oxygen supply to the skin, leading to skin dullness and the appearance of numerous wrinkles on the skin surface.

16- Get enough sleep and rest. Avoid sleeping on your face.

17- Stay away from stress. Stress causes premature skin darkness and dullness.

18- Make sure to include fruits and vegetables in your diet.

19- Skin with closed pores appears clearer. If you have oily skin, use a scrub once a week.

20- Try to always smile and stay calm. Calmness enhances your skin transparency and beauty.

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